Eagle Scout

Since 1912, the Eagle Scout rank has represented a milestone of accomplishment-perhaps without equal-that is recognized across the country and even the world. Those who have earned the Eagle Scout rank count it among their most treasured achievements. “Eagle Scout” is not just an award; it is a state of being. Those who earned it as youth continue to earn it every day as adults. That is why an Eagle Scout IS an Eagle Scout-not was.


Application Process and Procedures


Step 1

Upon completion of all Eagle Scout requirements not including the Board of Review, you will need to submit the following documents to the Council Program Center. (Completed Eagle Scout Rank Application, Statement of Ambitions and Life Purpose, and Receipt of Eagle Project Review)

Step 2

An associate at the Council Program Center will stamp your application and make a copy for you as a receipt.

Step 3

Your requirements will be verified and the references listed on your application will be contacted via email. (Your application will not be delayed if not all references respond)

Step 4
Upon verification and receipt of references, your application will be sent to your Eagle Coordinator for your Service Area who will contact you and your Scoutmaster to schedule a Board of Review. (Typically 3-6 weeks after submitting your paperwork)
Step 5

Following your Board of Review, your application will be returned to the Council signed by the Eagle Board of Review Chairman. An associate will direct your application to Eagle Services to process and send to the National Office.

Step 6

Approximately 3-4 weeks following, you and your Scoutmaster will receive a post card in the mail when your certificate is ready to be picked up at the Council Program Center. (It is recommended that you do NOT schedule a Court of Honor until after receiving your certificate)

Cover Image Scouts BSA ranks

Eagle Court of Honor

Congratulations on your achievement of earning the prestigious rank of Eagle Scout! Your Eagle Scout Court of Honor is a day to honor and celebrate your remarkable achievement for you have earned the highest rank that Scouting has to offer. The Theodore Roosevelt Council leadership would be happy to share in celebrating your accomplishment. To invite a representative from the Council, National Eagle Scout Association, Order of the Arrow, or Sagamores, please email an invitation to the email addresses below.