Annual Report & Financials

Annual Reports & Financials

The Theodore Roosevelt Council, Inc. is a bona fide subordinate organization of Scouting America, in good standing, and covered under Scouting America’s group exemption ruling, IRS Ruling No. 1761, Employer Identification Number 11-1631798.

The Council is a separate entity and responsible for its own independent audit. Under the exemption, the ruling is extended the same recognition of tax-exempt status as the Scouting America National Council.

The Council is supported by contributions from Friends of Scouting, special events, and individual, corporate, and foundation grants. We actively seek tax-deductible contributions for programs that help us advance our mission. Gifts in the form of real property, endowments, and deferred gifts in the form of wills, bequests, trusts, and insurance benefits are welcome in accordance with our gift acceptance policy.

For a complete look at our financials, please view the following:

Financial Statements for the Theodore Roosevelt Council, Inc. December 31, 2023, with Comparable Totals for December 31, 2022

2022 IRS Form 990

2023-2024 Annual Report

A copy of our latest annual financial report is available upon request from Theodore Roosevelt Council Inc., Scouting America, 544 Broadway, Massapequa, NY 11758 or by calling (516) 797-7600. The official registration and financial information may also be obtained from the New York State Office of the Attorney General Charities Bureau, 120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271 or by calling (212) 416-8401 or visiting