Scouting Safely

At Scouting America, the safety and well-being of our members are of paramount importance. We are dedicated to maintaining a secure environment where Scouts, leaders, and volunteers can engage in enriching Scouting experiences with confidence. By reporting all incidents, you play a crucial role in maintaining the safety and well-being of the Scouting community. Timely, clear, concise, and thorough incident reports enable a fitting response and provide an opportunity for analysis and continuous improvement in our programs! 

Please complete the necessary form with all relevant details and send it to the Scout Executive, Christopher Coscia, at Your prompt reporting is essential to maintaining a safe environment for everyone involved in Scouting.

Your commitment, whether as a parent, leader, volunteer, or Scout, to promptly report incidents is essential in upholding the core values of preparedness, responsibility, and integrity that define Scouting.

Incident Reporting

If you witness or are involved in any incident that could potentially affect the safety or experience of Scouts and leaders, it’s important to document and report it immediately. This includes, but is not limited to, accidents, injuries, property damage, or any other occurrences that could impact Scouting activities.

Injury Reporting

In the case of an injury, provide detailed information on the nature and severity of the injury, how and where it occurred, and the individuals involved, including the injured person and any witnesses. Additionally, outline any immediate actions taken, such as first aid or medical treatment administered.